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Saturday, August 23, 2008

ADHD what is it; and Why It occurs

Many people ask,"What is ADHD?" If you are looking for a better understanding of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), this page may help. ADHD is a real, and manageable, medical condition that affects millions of children and adolescents. ADHD is not a discipline problem and definitely not a myth.
What science has taught us about ADHDEveryday, millions of brain cells (or neurons) communicate with one another using chemicals (called neurotransmitters). However, messages relating to emotion, behavior, thinking and attention are generated by two specific neurotransmitters, norepinephrine and dopamine. The belief is that these specific neurotransmitters may affect ADHD. Whether there's an imbalance or an impairment of these neurotransmitters is unclear, and continues to be the subject of medical research. ADHD medications are thought to influence the balance of norepinephrine and dopamine in the brain, which helps to improve the chemical communication between all neurotransmitters. And while it's still not known precisely how ADHD medications correct the balance, it's not unusual for researchers to continually examine until it is fully understood.
How you might identify ADHDYou should not assume that a child has ADHD because of a few low grades or bursts of excitability every now and then. In fact, ADHD symptoms are persistent and present in multiple settings-whether it's home, school or during extracurricular activities. Some signs of ADHD, however, may indicate that the condition could be the reason for your child's behavior. Be aware of:
Concerns from multiple sources (a babysitter, parents of your child's friends, a teacher or coach) that your child's inattention or hyperactive behavior is causing significant disturbance
A persistently high activity level that affects others or causes injury
Changes in your child's emotion and activity level that are not a result of a recent family crisis or alteration in routine
How a medical professional determines ADHDFirst and foremost: a proper ADHD diagnosis must come from a medical professional. Your child's doctor or psychologist will make an ADHD diagnosis based on established medical criteria.
How to confirm it is ADHDIf you are concerned your child may have ADHD, your next step is to schedule an evaluation by a doctor. If your child is diagnosed with ADHD, you and your doctor should work together to treat the condition. Research indicates that a successful ADHD treatment program combines medication with a behavioral modification program. Talk to your doctor about treatment options and get the whole family behind your plan.
To learn more

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